Concierge Tariff
What is the Concierge tariff?
The Concierge tariff allows customers to request Chauffeurs to perform tasks without entering the vehicle themselves. Typically this involves the collection or delivery of items, which may sometimes need to be purchased by the Chauffeur.
How do I get access to the tariff?
You will need to switch on the tariff within the Wheely app.

What is the Concierge tariff pricing?
The Concierge tariff pricing is the same as the Business tariff. You can find more information on the cities and fares pages of our website.
Is there a limit on the value of items to be purchased on a Concierge journey?
The limit is £350.
How am I reimbursed for the expense?
You do not need to ask the customer for payment; the Concierge tariff features automatic reimbursements, which allows you to upload a receipt straight to the Wheely app and be reimbursed as soon as the order is finished. Payments for purchases will be made directly into your chosen bank account, once the journey has been completed. We will use your partner account by default but you may change this via the app if you wish.
If you have a Revolut account, the reimbursement will be received instantly, if you have any other bank account, you will receive the reimbursement within 2 hours.
How do I upload the receipts for the errand?
After pressing 'Complete Journey' you will be prompted to upload two types of receipts: parking and errands. Take a photo of all the receipts, indicate the price for each receipt and attach the receipts to the order in the app. If the receipt is too long, fold it in such a way that the price, shop name, and date are visible. As we will be reimbursing you for any expenses, please ensure that you retain any receipts for a minimum period of one month, in the event that any issue or challenge is subsequently raised by the passenger.
Please note that receipts will be validated and any instances where there is any indication that an incorrect price was entered purposely will be reported to our quality control team.

Where can I find confirmation of the money transfer?
After every ride is completed in the Concierge tariff, a new receipt will be available
in the ride history.
Do I need to keep a minimum account balance to accept journeys on the Concierge tariff?
Every Chauffeur that turns on this feature will need to have a minimum of £350 available to them in their account in order to accept Concierge tariff bookings. Please note that if you do not have sufficient funds, or would not like to take these types of bookings, you will need to turn off the Concierge Tariff.
If you find yourself unable to make a purchase after accepting a Concierge tariff booking, you will need to contact the Customer Service team and ask them to reallocate the booking. Please note that, as this creates delays and a negative customer experience, such instances will be investigated by the quality control team.
Can I call a customer to get money transferred to me, in order to perform an errand?
You must never contact a customer to ask for a money transfer. If you are unable to complete the journey, please contact the Customer Service team so that they can reassign the journey to another chauffeur.
Please note, that if you are unable to complete the journey, no compensation will be offered.
What happens if I’ve already purchased an item and the customer cancels the journey?
The standard Wheely cancellation policy applies:
If you are on the way when the journey is cancelled, we will reimburse you the minimum fare
If you have arrived and already purchased the item we will reimburse you both the fare and the item
If you have begun the journey we will reimburse you both the fare and the item
In all of the above scenarios, please contact the Customer Service team and explain the situation.
What do I do if the errand exceeds £350?
In this situation, you must contact the Customer Service team and they will get in contact with the customer.
If the Customer Service team informs you that the customer has agreed, then you can upload the rest of the amount as parking (which will then be transferred to you via your weekly earnings).
What is the procedure for age-restricted items?
Please remember that it is your responsibility to check the legal age of the customer if one or more of the purchased items are age-restricted.
Below is a table of common age-restricted products. However, please refer to the full official UK government guidelines if you are not sure whether a particular product is age-restricted.

How do I check for age-restricted products on my booking?
If a customer placed the order with a delivery/collection request, there should be a list of items in the comments. Please ensure you are carefully checking the order receipt for any age-restricted items, and feel free to confirm this with the business you are obtaining the item (s) from.
If there is nothing in the comments section or not enough information, then please contact the Customer Service team.
How do I ensure the recipient is over the required age?
If you are delivering age-restricted items, you must physically see the recipient. Please ensure, however, that you are observing social distancing when you do this.
If you feel the recipient may be underage, you must check their ID to confirm their age and act in line with the UK’s Challenge-25 guidelines. To confirm the age, you must ensure:
The photograph on the document is a clear match to the customer offering the ID
The document is still valid, and is not expired
What if the customer is underage and there is nobody over the required age who can take receipt of the item (s)?
If a customer fails the Challenge-25 check, you should not hand over any age-restricted items to the customer and contact the Customer Service team immediately. We will ensure that you are properly reimbursed.